How to implement windows authentication concepts in application

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In this tutorial i have explained how enhance security features in website and web services .You can provide security in setup and cache file also There are basically four elements which provide security in ASP.NET Application. 
  1. Authentication
  2. Authorization
  3. Confidentiality
  4. Integrity
     1.) Authentication:- Authentication is a process in which user can verify your credentials such as Id and password.
Real life Examples
  • When you want to open your gmail account then you have to id and password to verify the credentials.This process is known as authentication.
  • Suppose you have a student of a college or school,your college or school provides a identity cards for each student to verify the credentials whether you are student of this college or not.When you go to college security guard check your identity card,this process is known as authentication.

How to Implement Caching concepts in website

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Caching is very important concept for any web application. which is used to store the data temporarily either on a web server or on the client side (client system).In other words , Caching is a place where data is stored temporarily. This data can be stored for a specific time period on the server or client system.It is more useful when any user access the same set of data continuously.For Real Example:-Almost every user access the Search    Engine(Google,bings,Yahoo,etc.) for searching relevant information.Suppose If you open Google page on your system first time then first time Google page comes from Google Database.if you open again Google search engine then this Google page Comes from Google server cache or client system Cache memory.You already know about the cache memory concepts.Sometimes you have seen ,when your internet connection is disconnected,when you open the Google then it open without connection.What is the reason about that ,when you open Google page multiple times in your system then this page is saved in our system cache memory for a specific time that it is opened without internet connection.This rules is applicable for all cache enable web applications . Cache is the best way to improve the performance of any web application.
         Accessing a database in an Asp.Net applications generally a slow and  time  consuming  process.To improve the performance of page,we can use Caching concept. which is quicker than retrieving the data from the database on each request.

How to Perform Insert,Edit,Update,Delete,Cancel and Print operations in Gridview using C#

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Gridview control has default layout to display the data in row and column. On browser side by default Gridview is converted in 'HTML' Tag. Gridview control have predefined event to add ,delete,Edit,sort,cancel the record. 
In this tutorial i will implement Insert,Edit,Update,cancel and Print operation in Gridview control.In our previous tutorial i have Explained How to perform Insert,Edit,Update and Print operation in Repeater control.
There are some steps to implement these whole concepts which are given below:-
Step 1 :- First open your visual studio-->File-->New-->website-->ASP.NET Empty Website -->OK-->Open solution Explorer-->Add New Web Form (Default.aspx).
Step 2 :- Now Add an Database.mdf file in your website -->Make a student table as shown below:-

How to Insert,Edit,Update,Delete and Print Records through Repeater control in

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There are three control used in to display the Entire table data.
  1. Repeater control
  2. Grid View control
  3. Data List control
But there are some difference in these controls which are given below:-
  1. Repeater  and  Data list controls don't have any default layout.We specify the template to display the data but Grid view control has a default  layout to display the data in Row and Column.
  2. By default on browser side Repeater control is not converted in any 'HTML' tag but Grid view and Data List control are converted in 'HTML'  table tag.
  3. Repeater control does not have any predefined Event to added and delete the record but Grid view  and  Data List control have this Event to to added and delete the record.

Data Mining in

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"Binding  the data with control is called Data Mining".
There are two types of Data Mining which are given below.
1. ) Simple Data Mining 
2.) Complex Data Mining
1. ) Simple Data Mining:-
In this only one value is bound with the control and for this we can use Label  and Text Box controls.
2. ) Complex Data Mining:- In this more than one values can be bounded with the the controls and for this we can use DropdownList ,Bulleted list ,List box, Grid view ,repeater ,Database , FormsViewes,Details Views etc.
Example of simple Data mining:-
In simple Data mining we can bind the control with not only Database table data but properties and Functions also.
There are some steps to implement simple Data mining which are given below.
Step 1:-First open your visual studio -->File -->New-->website-->ASP.NET Empty Website-->OK-->Open solution Explorer-->Add New Web Form -->Drag and drop Label controls as shown below:-

How to create Generic Handlers Application in ASP.NET

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HTTP Handlers were used in previous versions of visual studio such as 2002 and 2003.Because these versions did not provide any user-friendly methods for creating the Handlers.Generic Handlers is the easiest way to create a New HTTP Handler.Now we are using visual studio 2010,this makes easier to create the Handlers in application.Visual studio 2010 provided many user-friendly methods for creating the handlers.
There are some steps to create the Generic Handlers application which are given below:-
Step 1:- First open your visual studio-->File -->New -->Website-->Select ASP.NET Empty website-->open Solution Explore-->Add a New webform (home.aspx).

How to create an HTTP Handler Application in

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Htttp Handlers are used to handle the user request for web application resources.It is also known as request-response model of web application.For each request type,there is a specific event handler to handle the request and send back the corresponding response object.In below example i am going to implement the two HTTP Handler.Here i have used following elements in this application :
Namespace :-Student ,Employee  
 Class  :-   Handler 1 and Handler 2
 Path :- class 1.test and  class 2.test  respectively
I have explained each steps below ,which are given below:-
Step 1:-  First open your visual studio--> File --> New -->Website-->Select ASP.NET Empty Website -->OK--> Open Solution Explore -->Add a Web form(home.aspx) .
Step 2:- Now again open Solution Explorer -->Add two class(Handler 1,Handler 2)in APP_Code Folder-->write the following codes for  each class as given below:-

How to use Application state and Global.asax file in ASP.NET Websites

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Application state:- If we want to store application specific information then we can use Application object.Information is stored in application object that will  accessible to all the user of the application.
      Application state is used to store data corresponding to all the variables of an application.The data in application state is stored once and read several times.Application state uses the HttpApplication  state class to store and share the data throughout the application .The HttpApplication state class provides a lock method,which you can use to ensure that only one user is able to access and  modify the data of an application at any time.
  The Global.asax Application File:- The Global.asax file resides in the root directory of an web application.Events and states such as session state and Application state,are specified in the Global.asax file.
     Global.asax file is used to maintain session and  application specific event within an application.We can have only one Global.asax file in a application. 
There are some steps to implement the application state and Global.asax file in ASP.NET websites ,which are shown below:-

How to use session state in website

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Session state is used to store the information at the server end. Whenever we access the web application ,session id 128 ,256 or 512 bit generated.It depends which algorithm web are using . There are some algorithms which are used to encrypt and decrypt the session data.I will discuss this algorithm in coming next tutorials. Id is generated in the form of  non  persistent   cookie . We can used session object to store the user specific data.You have seen ,many website are compromised due to session attack.To improve the performance of websites,we  can use https,ssl and other protocol to secure your web applications.Each  client accessing a web application maintains a distinct session with the web server and there is also specific information associated with each of these sessions.Session state is defined in the <session state>element of the web.config file.It also stores the data specific to a user session in session variables . Different  session variables are created for each user session.Session Id is transferred between the server and the client over to HTTP protocol using cookies.
Example:-When we open(login) your gmail account on your web browser then we can open all google account(orkut,google+,you tube,blogger,google analytic,adsense etc.) through session id.Because i have told that session id is transferred between the server and the client over to HTTP Protocol using cookies.

How to use View state and Hidden Fields in Website

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The state of a web application helps you to store the run time changes that have been made to the web application.if you are not using states ,these changes are discarded and are not saved.In this tutorial i will implement view state and hidden field control in website.
View State:- View state stores page-specific information,when a page post back to the server.When a page is processed,the current state of the page and its controls is hashed into  a string and saved a s a hidden field,such a state of the page is called view state.In any application view state is maintained by default.
 >>   To disabled the view state on the web page directive:-                                                                       <@page Enableviewstate="false"%>                       
>>   To disable the view state at the coding time:-      
There are some steps  to implement the view state  on the website.which are given below:-

How to implement cookie in ASP.NET Websites

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Cookie is a small text file which can be used to store the user specific information for personalised the web pages. It stores the data at the user end not server side.When a browser requests a web page again,the cookie is sent along with the request.The web server then retrieves the information from the cookie.In this tutorial i will implement two types of cookie which are given below:-
     1. ) Non Persistent cookie(Temporary cookie) :-
It is known as Temporary cookie.This type of cookie resides within browser memory,So it is called session cookie also.
There are some steps to implement the Non persistent cookie in ASP.NET Website which are given below:-
Step 1:- First open your visual studio--> File-->New-->Website-->ASP.NET Empty website-->OK -->open solution Explorer-->Add a New web forms --> drag and drop label,Text Box,check box,SQL Datasource and Button control on the form as shown below:-

How to use Query String in ASP.NET Application

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Query string is a method that store the state information on the client end.If we want to send some information from the previous page to the Next page then we can send the information as the Bar of URL by specifying '?' symbol within URL after the '?' mark.whatever URL specify is consider as Query string.Query string is not secure because their values are exposed to the Internet through the URL .
There are some steps to understand the whole concept of Query string.which are given below:-
Step 1:- First open your visual studio-->File--> New-->website -->select ASP.NET  Empty website -->OK-->Open Solution Explorer --> Add two web forms -->Drag and Drop Label,Button and Text Box on first web form as shown below:-

Introduction of HTTP and State management in ASP.NET

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The Role of HTTP:-> Http is a stateless protocol. It is known as Hypertext Transfer protocol.It is used to send the client request to the web server.All the Browser such as google chrome ,Mozilla Firefox,Netscape and Internet Explorer are clients that helps to send a request to the web server.After verification of credentials,web server response the client's request through the HTTP protocol.

HTTP protocol does not maintain the state of data.When the web server disconnect then it does not maintain data ,It forget the previous interactions.To remember the specific information of web server ASP.NET provides numerous ways to handle the state information through the session variables,cookies and application variables.There are some other new technique that remember the state  as view state control state and cache.

Validation Controls in ASP.NET

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The Validation controls are used for validating the data entered in Text Box(input) controls. When any user enters the data on a text Box (web page) and submits the page on the server ,then validation controls are used to check the data field  entered  by the user .if  any data entered by the user  is invalid (not correct format) then validation control displays  an error message on the screen. All the error message is defined as properties values of validation controls. All the validation controls comes under System.UI.Webcontrols Namespace.
There are some validation controls ,that are used in ASP.NET.Which are given below :
  1.  The RequiredField Validator control
  2. The RangeValidator control
  3. The RegularExpressionValidator control
  4. The CompareValidator control
  5. The customValidator control
  6. The Validationsummary control

How to use Navigation Control in ASP.NET

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Navigation controls are very important for websites.Navigation controls are basically used to navigate the user through webpage .It is more helpful for making the navigation of pages easier .There  are three controls in ASP.NET ,Which are used for Navigation on the webpage.
  1. TreeView control
  2. Menu Control
  3. SiteMapPath control

Web Forms Controls in ASP.NET(II)

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All Asp.Net Controls are very useful for Making a Real Time Application in .NET.In previous Tutorials I have discussed more details on Web Forms Controls in ASP.NET(I) with  one Real Application.Now i am going to explain remaining important web forms controls in ASP.NET with a real application.There are some controls :-
  1. The ListBox control
  2. The DropDownList control
  3. The BulletedList control
  4. The Hyperlink control
  5. The Link Button control
  6. The checkBox control
  7. The checkBoxList control
  8. The RadioButton Control
  9. The RadioButtonList control
  10. The calendar control
  11. The AdRotator control

Web Forms Controls in ASP.NET(I)

By // No comments: is Fully Based on Controls.Before Making any application ,I will learn First  about the Asp.Net Controls.If you will understand the Use of Controls then you can easily make any Application without any problem in Asp.Net.There are some Types of controls which are used in Asp.Net.
  • Web Forms Standard controls.
  • Navigation Controls
  • Validation Controls
  • Web Parts controls
  • Html Controls

How to solve problem to add Sql Server2008R2(.mdf) in Visual studio 2010

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Hi friends! There are some persons who are  faced problem, when they add database(.mdf) on Asp.Net website in visual studio 2010. I have also faced this type of problem .
When you add database(.mdf) on Asp.Net website in visual studio 2010 and following error occurs which is shown below,then you can solve this problem easily.
see it:

How to Add SQL Database (.mdf) in ASP.NET Website

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You can easily  Add .mdf Database in ASP.NET Application.You can perform Insertion Deletion and Updation operation on Database(.mdf).You can easily deploy your ASP.NET Application on any system without any problem.If you are facing any Type of   problem to Add .mdf Database then Read .

There are some steps to Add SQL Database (.mdf) in ASP.NET Website. Which are given below:
Step1:- First open your visual studio 2010-> go File-> click New Website->Select ASP.NET Empty website->click OK.
Go Solution Explorer->Add New web form(Default.aspx)-->Drag and drop some controls as shown below :-
see it:- 

Page Directives and Page Properties in ASP.NET 4.0

Page Directive:-  ASP.NET Page Directives are instructions to specify optional setting, such as registering a custom control and page language. These settings are used to describe how ASP.NET web page(.aspx) or user control (ascx) page are processed by .NET Framework.
Page Directives can be placed anywhere in .aspx or .ascx file. But standard practice is to include them at the top of the file.
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